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Dizzy 8: Little Joke
Timur Company
Download from World Of Spectrum

Number of entries found: 4


(Val - brand new tip!) 6288
Multiface pokesHow to enter these
Download full POKE database
Infinite lives32880,0
Infinite energy34777,17

     (Gerard Sweeney in Hack Attack III) 2140
Complete solutions
Click HERE to download a recording of this game being completed,
viewable on an RZX-capable emulator.

Courtesy of the RZX Archive.

(Pavel Pliva on the RZX Archive) 9851

Click HERE to download a recording of this game being completed,
viewable on an RZX-capable emulator.

Courtesy of the RZX Archive.

(Pavel Pliva on the RZX Archive) 20174

Brought to you courtesy of Gerard Sweeney and Nick Humphries
plus various other good eggs.

TT: 0 NQ: 3